


Sep. 2024 – Oct. 2024

All grades’ enrollment period for the 2025-2026 school year ends October  2024.

*All applications are submitted electronically through the School District of Philadelphia School Selection system. Students enter Conwell in grades 5 & 6; there are limited admissions in grades 7 and 8. 


Conwell Middle Magnet School is a Criteria-Based school. Students typically enter the school in Grades 5 and 6 however, there are limited admissions in grades 7 and 8. Prospective students should have As, Bs, and Cs in either of the previous two years in all core subjects, excellent behavior, no suspensions, and 90% attendance with no more than 18 unexcused absences. In addition, they should have achieved the 50th percentile in ELA or Math in either of the previous two years of standardized assessments.

  • If applying to the 5th grade –  2nd & 3rd grade final grades & final attendance marks and 3rd grade PSSA 50% or above in ELA and Math
  • If applying to the 6th grade –  3rd & 4th grade final grades & final attendance marks and 3rd & 4th grade PSSA 50% or above in ELA and Math
  • If applying to the 7th grade –  4th & 5th-grade final grades  final attendance marks and 4th & 5th grade PSSA 50% or above in ELA and Math
  • If applying to the 8th grade –  5th & 6th grade final grades  final attendance marks and 5th & 6th grade PSSA 50% or above in ELA and Math

🚨 Eligiblility 🚨

After Applying

Based on our criteria, applicants will be notified if they are either “Eligible” or “Ineligible” for the lottery. If the applicant is “Eligible” they will then be entered into the computer-based lottery. In February, families can check the school selection (SchoolMint) system for the lottery results. If the applicant is selected, they will have to then accept CONWELL in the school selection (SchoolMint) system.





Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Does the school provide transportation?

A: Students who live at least 1.5 miles away from Conwell receive a Septa Key Card.

Q: Do students have to wear uniforms?

A: Yes. Royal Blue and Khaki. Collard shirt or crewneck sweatshirt with either khaki pants, jumper, shorts, or skirt. (Hoodies are earned and ONLY for Honor Roll students)

Q: Is lunch provided?

A: Every student is eligible for FREE lunch. Lunch is prepared each day fresh for students. Students also receive breakfast during morning admissions.

Q: What are Conwell’s school hours?

A: 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM

Q: What kind of student is Conwell looking for?

A: A student who is interested in their growth and education. Someone eager to learn and develop as a person as well as a student.

Q: What is the average class size?

A: Our classes average 26 students. There are  (1) 5th grade, (3) 6th grade, (3) 7th grade, (3) 8th grade sections currently.

Q: Are there Clubs and Sports at Conwell?

A: We have After School All Stars which has various sports, and during the school day we have instrumental music, Girls Inc., Philly Ad Club, C.A.D.E. Kids (Anti-Gambling), Teen Authors, and Art Club.

Q: Are there any Enrichment classes offered?

A: We have Algebra I, Life Math, Social Justice

Q: Are there any “Specials” offered in the daily schedule?

A: All students receive Physical Education, Health, and Spanish at least once per week.

Q: What safety measures are in place to protect the Conwell school community?

A: We have a School Police Officer, strict visitor policy, Philadelphia Police patrol, Climate Manager and Safe Corridors program.

Q: Are guidance counseling and other resources available?

A: Yes. We have a full-time School Counselor and School Nurse.

Special needs students and English Language Learners are invited to apply to Conwell. Decisions are made through a team process.
Students preparing to attend criteria based high school should consider Conwell Middle Magnet School.

Applications are through the online School District of Philadelphia Smart Selection system.

By the Numbers

8th Grade HS Placement into Criteria & Citywide Schools